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List View Columns

Add or remove columns

You have the flexibility to customize your List View by adding and removing columns in the List View.

You can add up to 15 columns to your List View.

Follow these steps to add or remove columns:

  1. Click the Menu icon.
  2. Select and open any module.
  3. Click the Manage Columns icon on the left side of column names.
  4. Select the Edit column.

A Configure Columns window appears.

  1. Remove the columns by clicking the X button on the field name in the Selected fields section.
  2. Add the columns of your choice by selecting the columns from the Available fields section.
  3. Click the Update List button to view the changes in your List View.

 Rearranging columns

You can rearrange the columns available in your List View according to your priority.


You can also sort columns in the List View by clicking the column names. This will sort the records in ascending or descending order.

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